TF Regional (A, CH, D) |
2 |
A Mountain of Clothes - The Life of Textiles, exhibition report by Annette Hülsenbeck
Tünde Újszászi: Painted Canvas
'Annähe®n', exhibition at Museum Abtei Liesborn
3 |
Pia Herrmann at Tuchinform
h+h Cologne Fair in 2013
The 2013 Eunique Fair
The New 'Creativeworld' Fair
The Alen Müller-Helwig-Award
The Lotte Hofmann-Memorial Prize
Inge Flierl: Tapestries, exhibition in Luxembourg
Schimmernde Alltagskleider - Indigo, Glanz und Falten, exhibition in Basel |
4 |
Colours of Hallstatt - Textiles Connecting Science and Art, exhibition report by Regina Hofmann-de Keijzer |
Reports |
6 |
Paper Jewellery and Objects, exhibition in Apeldoorn/NL
The International Rijswijk Paper Biennial
Museum Rijswijk
8 |
Agorà - 2012 Como Miniartextil, report by Monika Engel |
10 |
Textiles and Politics, TSA Symposium report by Joe Lewis/Canada
TSA Website
Trip to the Bojagi-Forum in South Korea, report by Fiona Kirkwood |
12 |
Report on the First Contextile Trennial in Portugal, by Beatrijs Sterk
Textile Craft Festival at Polaciones in Northern Spain, report by Lala de Dios |
13 |
Ismini Samanidou: Weavings, exhibition in Farnham/UK
Philippa Brock: Jacquard Textiles, exhibition in Montreal
Rita Parniczky: Woven Pieces at Paris Equipbaie fair |
14 |
Textile Art in Chile, the group "Chile Crea Textil" in Santiago
The 24th Brancott Estate WOW Awards Show in New Zealand
Website |
Preview |
Textile Forum magazine is known for its complete quarterly calendar. For the first quarter of 2013, 125 current exhibitions are listed, 16 specialized meetings respectively further educational opportunities and 8 competitions. The special pages for Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a calendar of more than 50 additional exhibitions, meetings/courses, competitions and fairs/markets.
(Up-to-date event overview see Calendar/ETN Database)
16 |
9th International Baltic Mini Textile Triennial
Museum Miasta Gdynia
6th International Mini Textile in Kherson/Ukraine
Interface: Surface Design
The 7th WTA 'Diversity' Biennial in Bogotá
2013 SDA Symposium in San Antonio/Texas
30 Years 'Domaine de la Lice'
Lace, An Art - exhibition in Brussels
European Art Quilts VII
Textilmuseum Krefeld
Fiberarts International
'Sans fil', exhibition in Lyon
Trame de Soi |
17 |
Fortuny and Richard Wagner, exhibition in Venice
Renaldus Shamask, fashion design exhibition
The Fabulous Fifties - Fabulous Fashion in the Netherlands
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Sonia Delaunay: Atelier Simultané, exhibition in Liège/B
The Sultan's Garden, exhibition in Washington DC
Textile Museum
India: Fashion Now, exhibition in Denmark
ARKEN Museum
18 |
The First Hangzhou Triennial of Fiber Art
The 7th Biennial 'From Lausanne to Beijing' in China
Website |
19 |
The Angers Triennial of Mini-Textiles
Angers Museums
Polly Binns and Anne Morrell: Light and Line |
MAIN TOPIC: Digital Design |
20 |
Digital Design, report by Beatrijs Sterk |
24 |
Tomorrow's Textile Art: Deciphering the Digital, report by Sarah Braddock Clarke |
26 |
The Book 'Digital Visions for Fashion + Textiles: Made in Code', review by Beatrijs Sterk |
28 |
Iris van Herpen at Groninger Museum, exhibition report by Marie O'Mahony |
30 |
The Book 'Fashion Futures', review by Beatrijs Sterk |
31 |
'Assemble 2012' - An Enticement for a Trip to London, report by Beatrijs Sterk |
34 |
Over, On and Under the Skin, notes to two new books by Dietmar Laue |
Special Report: New books |
36 |
The Frankfurt Book Fair with 23 new textile books:
Spiritual Skin - Magical Tattoos and Scarification, by Lars Krutak; Edition Reuss, Aschaffenburg 2012
Horikazu - Traditional Tattoo in Japan, by Martin Hladik; Edition Reuss, Aschaffenburg 2012
Qaragalpaqs of the Aral Delta, by David and Sue Richardson; Prestel-Verlag, Munich 2012 |
37 |
Renaissance Velvets, by Lisa Monnas; V & A Publishing, London 2012
African Textiles Today, by Chris Spring; The British Museums Press, London 2012
Muslin, by Sonia Ashmore; V & A Publishing, London 2012 |
38 |
Knitting - Colour, structure and design, by Alison Ellen; The Crowood Press, Marlborough Wittshire/UK 2011
Knitting - Fashion, Industry, Craft, by Sandy Black; V & A Publishing, London 2012 |
39 |
Weben mit Farbe und Struktur, 150 Designs, by Margo Selby; Haupt-Vlg., Bern 2012
Klein kariert - Wege zum Muster im Textildesign, by Nathalie Pellon; Haupt-Vlg., Bern 2012
Die Geschichte der Muster - Eine Zeitreise durch drei Jahrtausende, by Diana Newall and Christina Unwin; Haupt-Vlg., Bern 2012 |
40 |
Peruvian Featherworks - Art of the Precolumbian Era, by Heidi King; Yale University Press, New Haven/London 2012
Textiles - The Art of Mankind, by Mary Schoeser; Thames & Hudson, London 2012 |
41 |
World Textiles, A Sourcebook, ed. The British Museum; British Museums Press, London 2012
Indigo - The Colour that Changed the World, by Catherine Legrand; Thames & Hudson, London 2012 |
42 |
The Art of Modern Tapestry, Dovecot Studios since 1912, by Elizabeth Cumming; Lund Humphries & Dovecot Studios 2011
Lost in Lace - Transparent bounderies, ed. Lesley Millar; Birmingham Museums & Gallery 2011 |
43 |
Louise Lemieux Bérubé - Unwinding the Threads, by Carole Greene und Louise Lemieux Bérubé; self-publishing, Montreal 2012
El Anatsui - Art and Life, Susan Mullin Vogel; Prestel-Verlag, Munich 2012
Textilarium - Verwandlungen: Objekte, Installationen, Bilder, by Gudrun AchterBerg; Atelier-Atelier, Grafenau/D 2012 |
44 |
Seventeenth-Century Women's Dress Patterns, Book Two, ed. Susan Narth and Jenny Tiramani; V&A Publishing, London 2012
The Fashion Resource Book - Research for design, by Robert Leach; Thames & Hudson, London 2012
The Sustainable Fashion Handbook, by Sandy Black; Thames & Hudson, London 2012 |
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Useful ads of suppliers for material, products, tools, equipment, further educational course offers, announcements of competitions etc. - Ads with URL addresses:
45 |
The Journal for Weavers, Spinners and Dyers
The Magazine of Embroidery, Fibre Art and Textiles
Textile Fibre Forum
Surface Design Association
50 |
Fondazione Arte Della Seta Lisio
Thonrud Engineering
West Dean Summer School
Messe/Fair Creativa
51 |
Maro Verlag
52 |
Messe/Fair 'creativeworld'
Messe Zweifach
Quilt Star
Arm AG
Tuch + Technikmuseum
Webstuhlmanufaktur Rudi Künzl
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