Short Notes |
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FIBERARTS magazine discontinues distribution
Telos Art Publishing closed its doors and offers remainders
Reopening of the Abegg Foundation
Abegg Foundation
Laos and its ethnic groups
The TAEC Centre
Supplementary videos for the Wool Route in the Maas-Rhine Euregio
Woll Route
TF Regional (A, CH, D) |
Textile+Fashion Innovation Awards 2011
Textil+Fashion Confederation
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Hat Creations
'Femme 1' - Fair for Fashion and Wearable Art
Women's Museum
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33 Fabric Pattern Books Rediscovered in Berlin
Knitted, Glued, Knotted - Art Brut and Textiles
Kunsthaus Kannen
'Bramsche Red' and Green Coats
Museum of Clothmaking
Fan Flirting, exhibition in Munich
Munich Stadtmuseum
'Infinite Blue', Competition in Osnabrueck
Patchwork Competition in Bremen
Forum Molakunst
The Zweifach Fair
Quilt Art Symposium in Frankfurt/M.
Quiltkunst e.V.
Travel Bug Next to Skin, exhibition in Leipzig
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St. Gall - The History of Lice in St. Gallen, exhibition
Textile Museum
Dare to Wear a Hat: 'The largest show of hats in the world' in Neuburg/D
Shapes and Colours in Basel, exhibition of a Swiss artists group
Reports |
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'Stickstich 2011', International Design Award of Plauen-Vogtland
Apolda European Design Award 2011
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ISEND 2011 Europe - International Symposium & Exhibition on Natural Dyes in La Rochelle
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The Surface Design Conference in Minnesota, USA
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Arrrgh! Monsters in Fashion, exhibition in Athens
Feltrosa: 2011 Conference in Italy
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The Handbag, exhibition in Florence
'Reverse and Frontside', exhibition in Bratislava
TXT Association
5th International Exhibition of Mini Textile Art, Kherson/Ukraine
Major Weaving Exhibition in Denmark
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The 14th Techtextil/Avantex and Material Vision plus Texprocess fairs
The Techtextil fair
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The 6th World Textile Art (WTA) Biennial in Mexiko
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The 4th Arnhem Fashion Biennial
Website |
Preview |
Textile Forum magazine is known for its complete quarterly calendar. For the fourth quarter of 2011, 154 current exhibitions are listed, 41 specialized meetings respectively further educational opportunities and 17 competitions. The special pages for Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a calendar of more than 54 additional exhibitions, meetings/courses, competitions and fairs/markets.
(Up-to-date event overview see Calendar/ETN Database)
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Textiles & Fashion: Europe's View of the World
- The 7th International Triennial of Textile Art in Tournai/B
- The First International Rijswijk Textile Biennial 2011
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Exhibition of Textile Art in Japan und New York
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Energheira - 2011 Como Miniartextil
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The 7. International Paper Triennial of Charmey/CH
Fascinating Paper, travelling exhibition of the IAPMA Association
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Art, Culture and Elegance, exhibition with Willy Maywald fashion photos in Mulhouse/F
The 2nd 'TexpoArt' - Triennial in Iaşi/Romania
'Fashion and Art, a passionate affair', exhibition in The Hague/NL
'Thoughts of a Summer Night', exhibition at the Brussels Musée du Costume et de la dentelle
50th Anniversary of the Riga Textile Department, in autumn 2011
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'Animal Fibers: Art informs Shibori', in the framework of the Hong Kong Shibori Symposium
'Fash 2012' - Active Performance Sportswear, competition of the German Clothing Industry
New Publication on Textile Art by Mary Schoeser/UK
'New Beat' - International Student Competition in the framework of the Hong Kong Shibori Symposium
'Outside/Inside the Box', competition in USA
Fiber Philadelphia
Costume Colloquium in Florence
Romualdo del Bianco Foundation
The 2012 Holland Paper Biennial
Tapestry Exhibition ''Pacific Portals', USA
American Tapestry Alliance
European Art Quilt VII - EQA competition
'Scythia 9' - International Symposium of Textile Art
17th Patchwork Meeting in Alsace
Patchwork Europe
The World Batik Summit 2011 in Indonesia
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The Knitting & Stitching Show in London, Dublin and Harrogate
The 8th International Shibori Symposium in Hong Kong
Table Cloth Stories, exhibition in Horst/NL
Museum de Kantfabriek
iFabric - European Talent, exhibition in Tilburg/NL
Textile Museum
MAIN TOPIC: Sustainable Textiles |
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The Gessner Company and the Cradle-To-Cradle-Princip, Report by Dietmar Laue
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Introduction: Eco/Sustainable Fashion
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Sustainable Fashion & Textiles - A book by Kate Fletcher, Report by Beatrijs Sterk
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Shaping Sustainable Fashion - Changing the Way we Make and Use Clothes, A new book, Report by Beatrijs Sterk
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Sustainable Textiles: Nature or Nurture? Report by Marie O'Mahony
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Eco Fashion - Top Labels Discover Green Fashion - A new book, Report by Dietmar Laue
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Textiles and Sustainability - Incidental remarks and afterword, by Dietmar Laue
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Plastic Bottles Turn to Yarn - The PET Bottle Story, Report by Dietmar Laue
Books |
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Fashion Museum at Meyenburg Castle - 20th Century Ladies' Fashion, Josefine Edle von Krepl Collection; Modemuseum Schloß Meyenburg 2011
Color Tattoo Art - Cartoons,Comics, Pin-Up, Manga, by Marisa Kakoulas; Edition Reuss, Aschaffenburg 2011
German Fashion Design 1944-2012; ed. Nadine Barth; Distanz-Verlag 2011
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Advanced Textiles for Health and Wellbeing, Marie O'Mahony; Thames & Hudson, London 2011
Advertisements |
Useful ads of suppliers for material, products, tools, equipment, further educational course offers, announcements of competitions etc. - Ads with URL addresses:
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Surface Design Association
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Digital Weaving Norway AS
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Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio
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Arm AG, Webgeräte
Textilmarkt Benediktbeuern
Quilt Star
Webstuhlmanufaktur Rudi Künzl
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Tree Tops Colours Harmonies
Textile Support
Centre for Sustainable Fashion
Gruppo Colle, Colour Card for Felt Artists & Designers
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