TF Regional (A, CH, D) |
2 |
Margaretha Reichardt in Apolda, exhibition report by Christl Prange
3 |
Spun & Woven-Textiles of the Roman and Teuton periods, report by Ellen Harlizius-Klück
Tuchmacher Museum Bramsche
4 |
Embroidered Paradise Gardens from Mesopotamia, exhibition in Fribourg/CH
Threads Unite Women, exhibition in Zirndorf/D
Craft Prize for Ruth Löbe
10 years of 'Dare to wear hats' in Neuburg/Danube
Mut zum Hut
Weaving exhibition in Vienna, students work at Herbststraße, Vienna
Workshops with Cécile Feilchenfeldt in Munich/D
The exhibition 'Black' in Hannover
Innovation Prize for Textiles & Fashion in Düsseldorf
New regulation on education in weaving for Switzerland
5 |
First Eunique Fair
Tuchwerk Aachen - A planned new textile museum
Tuchwerk Aachen
Weavers' Market in Neumünster/D
The fair 'Needle and Thread' in Osnabrück
2009 Grassimesse
Benediktbeuern Textile Market
Allure and Shame, dual exhibition in Euskirchen and Ratingen/D
Landesverband Rheinland
Textile Fairytales, Ottoman Textiles
MAK, Vienna
'Bauhaus comes from Weimar', exhibition of Bauhaus carpets
Reports |
7 |
'Skythia' events in Ukraine: The 4th International Exhibition of Miniature Textiles & A Japanese-Ukrainian Exhibition
First Russian Festival of Contemporary Handweaving, report by Natalia Svetkova
8 |
'Shape' - The Fashion Biennial of Arnhem
9 |
The new Rijswijk Textile Biennial
Museum Rijswijk
10 |
'Advertising covers the Entire Country as the Stasi Once did', photo exhibition "Free Within Limits, GRD 1979-'89"
Berlin Kunstgewebemuseum
11 |
Fashion Technology: The RIP CURL Project in Sydney, report by Marie O'Mahony
12 |
The 4th 'Feltrosa' Felters' Meeting in Italy
Silvia Federova, jewellery exhibition in Vienna
13 |
Paper Global, exhibition in Deggendorf/D
Museen Deggendorf
The Jeonju Hanji Fshion Show in Korea, report by Prof. Yongsook Kim
14 |
The 15th ETN-Conference in Haslach, Upper Austria
ETN Conference 2009
16 |
'Cut' - 25 Years of International Textile Art, Graz/A
'Undiscouraged' - Exhibition of Latvian Textile Art, report by Aija Baumane
17 |
'Gone with the Wind', fashion exhibition in Enkhuizen/NL
Preview |
Textile Forum magazine is known for its complete quarterly calendar. For the fourth quarter of 2009, 177 current exhibitions are listed, 49 specialized meetings respectively further educational opportunities and 14 competitions. The special pages for Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a calendar of more than 60 additional exhibitions, meetings/courses, competitions and fairs/markets.
(Up-to-date event overview see Calendar/ETN Database)
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Inspiration from Afghanistan
German-Afghan Initiative
International Textile Competition 2010 'Tracks, Traces' in Holland
Textiel Festival 2010
Design Biennial in St. Petersburg
8th American Tapestry Biennial (ATB 8)
American Tapestry Alliance
Atout Fil 2010 Competition
Atout Fil
8th International Baltic Triennial of Miniature Textiles in Gdynia/PL
Muzeum Miasta Gdyni
4th International Triennial of Textile Art, Riga/LV
Museum of Decorative Art and Design
Organic Cotton Congress
Organic Exchange
Filo Lungo Filo, meeting of Italian textile creators
Two events in New Zealand: The 10th Southern Hemisphere Feltmakers Convergence & The World of Wearable Art
Textiles of Egypt
Active Travel
Meeting of Weavers in the Americas, Cusco/Peru
Center for Traditional Textiles
19 |
Label Cult - From Woven Trademarks to Labels, exhibition in Krefeld/D
Medieval Embroideries in Dover/UK
20 |
'Wednesday Works', exhibition of tapestries in New York
Brennan & Martin-Maffei
Silja Puranen, solo exhibition in Borås, Sweden
West African Textiles, exhibition in Switzerland
Museum of Cultures
15. European Patchwork Meeting in Alsace
Carrefour Européen du Patchwork
Work by Hélène Soubeyran in Laduz/F
Musée des Arts Populaires
21 |
Extravagant Neck Decoration in Retournac/F
Musée des Manufactures de Dentelles
At the Russian Court, exhibition in Amsterdam
Hermitage Amsterdam
Marie-Rose Lortet, exhibition in Nioret/F
Exhibition by Akira Minagawa in Tilburg/NL
Textile Sculptures by Eva Demarelatrous in Lisle-sur-Tarn/F
Luis Acosta: Paper and Textiles, exhibition in Zutphen/NL
22 |
4th European Quilt Triennial in Heidelberg/D
Max Berk Textile Collection
23 |
The 2009 Miniartextil "And the Stars were Shining" in Como/I
Arte & Arte
The International Kaunas Biennial "Textile 09"
24 |
Art Cloth: Engaging New Visions, exhibition in Sydney
25 |
Changing Fibres - 'Textile Art on the Edge', exhibition in Borås/S
26 |
Electronic Textiles - Traditional Methods and New Materials, by Joanne Berzowska
30 |
Textile Sense and Senses: The 2nd Biennial of Textile Creations in Lyon
Musée des tissus
Fashionable Technology - The Intersection of Design, Fashion, Science and Technology; a new book by Sabine Seymow
31 |
Zane Berzina: E-Static Shadows, by Beatrijs Sterk
32 |
EduWear - An Educational Textile Project for Children and Young People, by Marion Ellwanger
33 |
Fashioning Technology - A do-it-yourself intro to smart crafting; an new book by Syuzi Pakhchyan
Switch Craft - Battery-powered crafts to make and sew, a new book by Alison Lewis & Fang-Yu LIn
34 |
The 13th Techtextil Fair with Avantex and Material Vision, a tour of the fair by Beatrijs Sterk
36 |
The Smart Textiles Community, report by Beatrijs Sterk
38 |
WarmX - Unterwear Self-test by Beatrijs Sterk
39 |
'Future Shape' - Rooms get sensitive
The Diffus.dk Design Studio, report by Hanne-Louise Johannesen
40 |
The Little Black Dress - Avantex Innovation Prize 2009
41 |
E-Motion - An interdisciplinary design project at the UdK Berlin
Germans Rely on Technology rather than Aesthetics: The TEXSOLAR and TEXOLED Projects
Special Reports |
42 |
The African Textile Market and Globalisation, by Ilsemargret Luttmann
Books |
44 |
Paper Art - 173 International Artists, Ed. IAPMA/Helene Tschacher; Peter Liebricht/Grizig+Gottschalk GmbH, Bremen 2009
Papier Global - Paper Global, Ed. Brigitte Petschek-Sommer & Ulrich Schwarz; Stadtmuseum/Handwerksmuseum Deggendorf 2009
Furnishing Textiles - Studies of Seventeenth and Eighteenth-Century Interior Decoration, Ed. Anna Jolly; Riggisberger Berichte, Abegg-Stiftung, 2009
In Grenzen frei - Mode, Fotografie, Underground, DDR 1979-'89, Ed. Michael Boehlke, Hendryk Gericke, Grit Seymour und Frieda von Wild; Kerber Vlg., Bielefeld/D 2009
An Embroiderer's Eye: The Diana Springall Collection - Appliqué, goldwork, handstitch, worksheets, samples, machine stitch, patchwork, quilting; by Diana Springal & Jessica Hemmings; Silk Heritage Trust, Macclesfield 2009
Inger-Johanne Brautaset, Ed. Matthew Koumis; Portfolio Collection Nr. 42, Telos Art Publishing, Brighton 2009
Aino Kajaniemi, Ed. Matthew Koumis; Portfolio Collection No. 39, Telos Art Publishing, Brighton 2007
5. Bienal Internacional de Arte Textile Buenos Aires 2009, Hrsg. World Textile Art Organisation, Miami 2009
25 Jahre Internationale Textilkunst Graz 'Cut', Ed. Renate Maak & Hofgalerie/Bildungszentrum Reiffeisenhof, Graz 2009
Fäden verbinden - Threads Unite, by Pascale Goldenberg; Maro Vlg., Augsburg 2009
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Useful ads of suppliers for material, products, tools, equipment, further educational course offers, announcements of competitions etc. - Ads with URL addresses:
45 |
Embroidery Magazine
Textile Fibre Forum Magazine
Fiberarts Magazine
47 |
World Congress on Organic Cotton
50 |
Royal School of Needlework
Fondazione Arte della Seta Lisio
Digital Weaving Norway AS
51 |
Puchka Perú
Nadel & Faden
Gudrun Sjödén's Mail Order
52 |
Arm AG, Webgeräte
Burkhard-Dreier AG
Quilt Star
Venne-Colcoton Unikat
53 |
Singing Weaver
Textilmuseum Neumünster
Surface Design Association
Creative Arts Safaris
Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern
Textilmarkt Benediktbeuern
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