TF 4/2000 Textile Printing
English Version
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TF: 57 pages, 24 high quality colour pages, A4 format
Most of the articles are presented with complete contact addresses.
Textile Printing
Digital Airbrush Printing, by Dietmar Laue
Digital Printing for Images on Buildings, by Dietmar Laue
Textile Printing as Art, by Jane Dunnewold, Wilma Kuil, Hil Driessen
and Patrice Hugues
Design Possibilities in Polyester, by Joy Boutrup
Textile Printing at Danmarks Designskole, by Joy Boutrup
Dye Sublimation Printing on Silk, by Joan Truckenbrod
Design for Digital Textile Printing, studies in the field of textiles
at the Zurich University
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Preview of events
Calendar of international events
Textile Forum magazine is known for its complete quarterly calendar.
For the first quarter of 2001, 158 current exhibitions are listened, 14
specialised meetings resp. further educational opportunities and 16 competitions.
Calendar of regional events
The special pages for Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a calendar
of more than 56 additional exhibitions, meetings/courses, competitions
and fairs/markets.
Some selected event previews
Seven contests and five specialised further educational opportunities
resp. specialised meetings are noted in details, with their entry, submission
resp. application conditions, dates and complete addresses.
Exhibitions - Detailes and/or illustrated articles
Major fashion event, on 26 May 2001 in Antwerp, in the framework
of the new Fashion Centre's opening
Cristobal Balenciaga, retrospective of creations, from 10 Oct.
2000 to 7 Jan. 2001 in Munich
"textileArt-Quilt, Restrospective - Perspective?", exhibition
from 25 Febr. to 29 April 2001 in Hofbieber-Kleinsassen/Germany
Twenties Fashion, exhibition from 11 Nov 2000 to 29 April 2001
on view at the Historic Museum St. Gallen/Switzerland
9th International Lace Biennial, from 21 Jan. to 22 April 2001
at the Heidelberg Textile Museum
10th International Tapestry Triennial in Lodz/Poland, exhibition
from 28 June to 31 Oct. 2001 in the city's Central Textile Museum
"E-Textiles - Jacquard Weaving", travelling exhibition,
starting in Montreal/Canada from 8 to 16 Nov. 2000
Marie-Rose Lortet, personal exhibition at Musée Jean Lurçat
in Angers/France, from 16 Dez. 2000 to 20 June 2001
Applied Art Triennale in Tallinn/Estonia, exhibition from 10 Nov.
2000 to 14 Jan. 2001
Parments from Krefeld, exhibition from 10 Dec. 2000 to March 2001
at the German Textile Museum in Krefeld
Show of achievements in felt art, from 8 to 28 January 2001 in
European Felt Art 2000, exhibition from 22 Dec. 2000 to 18 March
2001 in Karlsruhe/Germany
"Fabric on Fashion", exhibition from 9 Nov. 2000 to
14 Jan. 2001 at the London Crafts Council Gallery
Top of page
Reports of selected events
2000 Pfann Ohmann Prize, awarded to Gilbert Brennenbauer for his
installation "Angel", at Vienna's Artists House
Tapestries by Peter Horn, on view in autumn 2000 at the Sandbeck
manor near Kiel/Germany
Applied Art in Baden-Württemberg was on view in autumn 2000
at the Hallisch-Fränkische Museum in Schwäbisch-Hall/Germany
Fashion show on 13 Oct. 2000 at the Berlin-Weissensee Art College
"Clothes with Edges and Corners" on view during the
Fashion View Prize 2000 in Northrhine-Westfalia
"Heringsdorf goes Fashion", fashion show in September
Landscape installations by Gertraude Pohl in autumn 2000 at different
places in Germany
Textile art meeting in St. Truiden/Belgium, 5th Betonac Price
and 10th ETN Meeting in September 2000
"The Trilogy of Precious Dyestuffs from the Mediterranean: Purple,
Kermes and Woad", report by Renata Pompas
Ritva Puotila - Kaj Frank Design Prize Winner in Finland
The Northern German Crafts Triennial, autumn 2000 at the museum
of Castle Gottorf in Schleswig-Holstein/Germany
Tapestries by Benet Rossell, autumn 2000 in Barcelona
Mittelmoda fashion show on 16 September 2000 in Gorizia/Italy
"Paperworld", installation by Ekaterina Nesterova in
Papermoon project by two Danish fashion resp. textile designers,
on view in autumn 2000 in Herning/Denmark
"Measure for Measure", results of a fabric design competition,
on view during the SDA Conference in Kansas/USA
"Textile Links", exhibition with participants from Lithuania
and Austria in Salzburg
"Paper, Fantasy & Clothes", prize winning results
of the fashion competition "Étoile de la Mode" in Liège/Belgium
Special reports
Second working meeting of the Textile Routes project group, report
by Margot Schindler/Vice-director of the Austrian Ethnographic Museum
Japanese impressions by Bianca M. Strobel and Eva Koopmann
Top of Page
Other subjects
Book reviews
Contemporary Textile Art - Collection of the Pierre Pauli Association,
by Erika Billeter, André Garvillet, Pierre Magnenat and Anic Zanzi
; CH-Wabern, 2000
Habit-Habitat, Christa de Carouge, by Werner Blaser and Lars Müller,
CH-Baden 2000
Japanese Textiles in the Victoria and Albert Museum, by Anna Jackson
; London 2000
Four Hundred Years of Fashion, Publisher Natalie Rothstein ; Londen
Nature and Architecture, by Paolo Portoghesi; Mailand 2000
Natur und Design - Inspirationen für Architektur, Mode und angewandte
Kunst, by Alan Powers ; Bern 2000 (German edition)
Papier en Water - Water and Paper, Publisher Museum Rijswijk ;
Rijswijk 2000
The Book of Fine Paper, by Silvie Turner, London 1998
Papiers à la Mode, by Isabelle des Borchgrave and Rita
Brown ; London 2000
Art Textile of the World : Great Britan, Vol. 2, Publisher Jennifer
Harris ; Winchester 1999
Art Textiles of the World : USA, Publisher Matthew Koumis ; Winchester
Passages - Photographs in Africa, by Carol Beckwith and Angela
Fisher ; New York 2000
Hair in African Art and Culture, Publisher Roy Sieber and Frank
Herreman ; New York 2000
Brief notes
The "Perez Enciso" Ethnographic Museum in Spain, by
Lala de Dios
Electronic 3D Measuring System
Numero Zero, a new Italian handweavers' magazine
New Textile Museum in Switzerland?
Useful ads of suppliers of material, products, tools, equipment, future
educational course offers, announcements of competitions etc.
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